Us Grant Autobiography

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When Hiram Ulysses Grant was born, his home state of Ohiowas the 'far West.' Soon after Grant's birth, his father, JesseR. Grant, moved the family to nearby Georgetown, where he openeda tannery. Growing up, Grant found that he hated the tannery business, butalso found that he had a unique ability to work with horses. He eventuallydid all of the family's training of horses.

One episode from Grant's youth, though, demonstrated alack of business knowledge that would plague his ventures for therest of his life. Grant wanted to buy a colt from a neighbor. Hisfather allowed Grant to bargain with the neighbor, so Grant approached thecolt's owner and said, 'Papa says I may offer you twenty dollars forthe colt, but if you won't take that, I am to offer twenty-twoand a half, and if you won't take that, I am to give you twenty-five.' Not surprisingly, Grant paid the full price for the colt.Whatever else Grant may have become in his life, he should neverhave entered the business world. At home in the world joyce maynard.

Luckily, Grant did find a good outlet for his energy atWest Point, which he entered at seventeen. A bureaucratic mistakechanged his name to Ulysses S. Grant–something Grant never botheredto correct, as he had had never liked the initials H.U.G. verymuch. At West Point Grant remained solidly mediocre at every taskexcept for equestrian skills, where he excelled. Soon after he graduated and arrived at his first posting in St. Louis, he begancourting Julia Dent–the relatively wealthy daughter of a slave-owningfarmer.

Grant, and seventh from Samuel. Mathew Grant's first wife died a few years after their settlement in Windsor, and he soon after mar-ried the widow Rockwell, who, with her first husband, had been fellow-passengers with him and his first wife, on the ship Mary and John, from Dorchester, England, in 1630. Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885, United States. Army, Generals, Presidents, Mexican War, 1846-1848 Publisher New York: C.L. Collection lincolncollection; americana Digitizing sponsor The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant Contributor Lincoln Financial Foundation.

Us Grant Autobiography

The Mexican War intervened, however, and Grant saw hisfirst combat during a deployment under General Zachary Taylor near Matamoros, Mexico. Though only a quartermaster, Grant did see some actionunder General Winfield Scott during the attack on Mexico City–and even played a small notable role in the attack, helping to capturea church belfry and directing cannon fire from there.

After the war, Grant returned to St. Louis and marriedDent in 1848. Knowing his business skills were less than stellar,he decided to stay in the peacetime Army. He and Julia spent severalmostly happy years in Sackets Harbor, New York, and Detroit, andJulia bore him his first child. However, a two-year posting to California and the resulting separation from his family caused Grantto reconsider the Army life. When multiple business ventures failed–sinking any hope of bringing his family West to join him–and Grant took stockof the miserable life he led at the isolated Fort Humboldt, he choseto resign the Army and begin a new life.

Returning to St. Louis and after resurrecting his marriage,Grant tried his hand at farming and built his family a massivehouse called Hardscrabble on his father-in-law's farm. However,even with his in-laws' help and loans of money and slaves, Grantcould not make the farm work, and was reduced to selling firewoodon the street corner in St. Louis. In 1857 Grant had to pawn hispocket watch to buy Christmas presents for his family. He evenbriefly became a rent collector. Eventually, in 1859, he admittedfailure and headed for home with his family.

Grant's father offered him a place in the family storein Galena, Illinois, where he worked morosely until war cloudsagain began to gather with the presidential Election of AbrahamLincoln in 1860. When Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers, Grantoffered his services as an ex-Army officer. He first served ascolonel of an Illinois regiment before being appointed BrigadierGeneral Grant.


In the early part of the Civil War, the North had fewsuccesses–and several of the major ones belonged to Grant. He successfully attackedtwo crucial Confederate forts, Fort Donelson and Fort Henry, andhis demands at both locations for 'unconditional surrender' earnedhim the nickname 'Unconditional Surrender Grant.' As ConfederateGeneral Robert E. Lee battled an ever-changing succession of Uniongenerals in Virginia, Grant moved his army south towards Mississippi,but was temporarily halted by the disastrous near-rout at Shiloh.

The North wanted to cut the Confederacy in half at theMississippi River, and only the fortress city of Vicksburg blockedtheir move. After a bloody battle outside the city, Grant settledin for a siege. On July 3, 1863, the Confederate commander askedfor terms of surrender; Grant issued his trademark reply: 'unconditionalsurrender.' The surrender of the city, coming at the same timeas the decisive battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania, helped turnthe tide of the war against the Confederacy and made Grant a household name.Although critics questioned Grant's relentless pursuit of the enemyat any cost, Lincoln said, 'I cannot spare this man, he fights.'

Us Grant Autobiography Pdf

Grant became commander of all the Union armies and soonset about a grueling campaign to wear down the Confederates. After yearsof skirmishes and minor engagements in Virginia, he began a yearlongbattle that would exhaust the Confederacy. Grant sent General WilliamT. Sherman tearing through Georgia, while himself fighting continuouslyagainst Lee at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, Cold Harborand finally at the siege of Petersburg. The battles exacted a terriblecost in lives, but clearly succeeded in wearing the Confederateforces down. In the spring of 1865, Lee abandoned Petersburg andthen Richmond before finally surrendering near Appomattox.

Ulysses S Grant Autobiography Book


When Hiram Ulysses Grant was born, his home state of Ohiowas the 'far West.' Soon after Grant's birth, his father, JesseR. Grant, moved the family to nearby Georgetown, where he openeda tannery. Growing up, Grant found that he hated the tannery business, butalso found that he had a unique ability to work with horses. He eventuallydid all of the family's training of horses.

One episode from Grant's youth, though, demonstrated alack of business knowledge that would plague his ventures for therest of his life. Grant wanted to buy a colt from a neighbor. Hisfather allowed Grant to bargain with the neighbor, so Grant approached thecolt's owner and said, 'Papa says I may offer you twenty dollars forthe colt, but if you won't take that, I am to offer twenty-twoand a half, and if you won't take that, I am to give you twenty-five.' Not surprisingly, Grant paid the full price for the colt.Whatever else Grant may have become in his life, he should neverhave entered the business world. At home in the world joyce maynard.

Luckily, Grant did find a good outlet for his energy atWest Point, which he entered at seventeen. A bureaucratic mistakechanged his name to Ulysses S. Grant–something Grant never botheredto correct, as he had had never liked the initials H.U.G. verymuch. At West Point Grant remained solidly mediocre at every taskexcept for equestrian skills, where he excelled. Soon after he graduated and arrived at his first posting in St. Louis, he begancourting Julia Dent–the relatively wealthy daughter of a slave-owningfarmer.

Grant, and seventh from Samuel. Mathew Grant's first wife died a few years after their settlement in Windsor, and he soon after mar-ried the widow Rockwell, who, with her first husband, had been fellow-passengers with him and his first wife, on the ship Mary and John, from Dorchester, England, in 1630. Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885, United States. Army, Generals, Presidents, Mexican War, 1846-1848 Publisher New York: C.L. Collection lincolncollection; americana Digitizing sponsor The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant Contributor Lincoln Financial Foundation.

Us Grant Autobiography

The Mexican War intervened, however, and Grant saw hisfirst combat during a deployment under General Zachary Taylor near Matamoros, Mexico. Though only a quartermaster, Grant did see some actionunder General Winfield Scott during the attack on Mexico City–and even played a small notable role in the attack, helping to capturea church belfry and directing cannon fire from there.

After the war, Grant returned to St. Louis and marriedDent in 1848. Knowing his business skills were less than stellar,he decided to stay in the peacetime Army. He and Julia spent severalmostly happy years in Sackets Harbor, New York, and Detroit, andJulia bore him his first child. However, a two-year posting to California and the resulting separation from his family caused Grantto reconsider the Army life. When multiple business ventures failed–sinking any hope of bringing his family West to join him–and Grant took stockof the miserable life he led at the isolated Fort Humboldt, he choseto resign the Army and begin a new life.

Returning to St. Louis and after resurrecting his marriage,Grant tried his hand at farming and built his family a massivehouse called Hardscrabble on his father-in-law's farm. However,even with his in-laws' help and loans of money and slaves, Grantcould not make the farm work, and was reduced to selling firewoodon the street corner in St. Louis. In 1857 Grant had to pawn hispocket watch to buy Christmas presents for his family. He evenbriefly became a rent collector. Eventually, in 1859, he admittedfailure and headed for home with his family.

Grant's father offered him a place in the family storein Galena, Illinois, where he worked morosely until war cloudsagain began to gather with the presidential Election of AbrahamLincoln in 1860. When Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers, Grantoffered his services as an ex-Army officer. He first served ascolonel of an Illinois regiment before being appointed BrigadierGeneral Grant.

In the early part of the Civil War, the North had fewsuccesses–and several of the major ones belonged to Grant. He successfully attackedtwo crucial Confederate forts, Fort Donelson and Fort Henry, andhis demands at both locations for 'unconditional surrender' earnedhim the nickname 'Unconditional Surrender Grant.' As ConfederateGeneral Robert E. Lee battled an ever-changing succession of Uniongenerals in Virginia, Grant moved his army south towards Mississippi,but was temporarily halted by the disastrous near-rout at Shiloh.

The North wanted to cut the Confederacy in half at theMississippi River, and only the fortress city of Vicksburg blockedtheir move. After a bloody battle outside the city, Grant settledin for a siege. On July 3, 1863, the Confederate commander askedfor terms of surrender; Grant issued his trademark reply: 'unconditionalsurrender.' The surrender of the city, coming at the same timeas the decisive battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania, helped turnthe tide of the war against the Confederacy and made Grant a household name.Although critics questioned Grant's relentless pursuit of the enemyat any cost, Lincoln said, 'I cannot spare this man, he fights.'

Us Grant Autobiography Pdf

Grant became commander of all the Union armies and soonset about a grueling campaign to wear down the Confederates. After yearsof skirmishes and minor engagements in Virginia, he began a yearlongbattle that would exhaust the Confederacy. Grant sent General WilliamT. Sherman tearing through Georgia, while himself fighting continuouslyagainst Lee at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, Cold Harborand finally at the siege of Petersburg. The battles exacted a terriblecost in lives, but clearly succeeded in wearing the Confederateforces down. In the spring of 1865, Lee abandoned Petersburg andthen Richmond before finally surrendering near Appomattox.

Ulysses S Grant Autobiography Book

Ps4 remote play with controller. The next step for Grant was logically the Presidency–theonly honor higher than the military honors he had already received.In 1868, the Republican Grant was elected to the White House, thus beginningone of the most scandal-ridden administrations ever in Americanhistory. It seemed his administration could do nothing right. Grantunknowingly aided in a scheme to corner the gold market for twofinanciers, his cabinet members were caught in various graft attempts,his Reconstruction policies failed miserably–all in all, he shouldnever have been elected to a second term. However, the Democratic party miscalculated, nominating Horace Greeley to oppose Grant,thus ensuring that even the Democrats themselves would support Grantover the controversial Greeley.

Us Grant Memoirs First Edition

Grant's second term went almost as poorly as the first.He retired in 1877 and traveled for two years with his wife beforesettling in New York, where again he tried and failed to be a businessman.As throat cancer ate away at his body, he penned his memoirs, finishing justdays before his death. Grant's Personal Memoirs–tothis day held up as among the finest of the many Presidential memoirs–accomplishedthe one thing Grant could not achieve during his lifetime: financialsecurity for his family, which was secured by the royalties fromhis writing.

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